Worth reading: NYT has a long analytical story about the App Store and Apple's competitors...

App Store Is a Game Changer for Apple and Cellphone Industry

"Still, the App Store is markedly better than the alternative, says Peter Farago, a marketing executive at Flurry, a mobile analytics company in San Francisco. Gone are the days when mobile developers had to negotiate with major telecommunications companies if they had any hopes of publishing their applications on a mobile phone." “It took six to nine months to build a relationship with a carrier, maybe a quarter-million to get the infrastructure built, and the company took 50 percent or more from each dollar,” Mr. Farago says, a process that limited access to mobile platforms. “Apple has helped create a much healthier middle class of developers and expanded the pie for everyone.”

M$ has only 800 apps in its equivalent of the App Store and is quoted saying this is because they are "emphasizing quality."

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