On Nov 29, 2009, at 3:18 PM, Rev. Stewart Marshall wrote:
The comment I made about the ten commandments is about God's judgment on me as an individual within his kingdom of grace. They define our relationship with him.

The problem in the rectitude business is how to not lose the rich evildoer trade. If one brings up things like Ten Commandments, unjust war, mass murder, etc. they are just going to go down the street to another church that will cut them some slack. I see this in my own church. Wealthy mass murders are greeted with a warm handshake or hug. Smaller infractions by poor parishioners get fire and brimstone. Or try to reform health care and the Bishop may tell you to not take Communion until you "repent."

Who is going to tell the operator of a programming sweat shop that they are acting unethically?

Who is going to tell M$ that paying bribes to News Corp is unethical?

Attacking Apple for treating app developers in an even-handed manner is the icing on the cake.

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