In my opinion it is a bad idea to be without a software firewall on your computer.

The possibilities of a successful exploit and the cost of recovery are too great.

Fly without that net if you want... but don't complain if "you hit the ground hard..."


db Ranbo wrote:
No, don't have a router and am only user on this computer.  So no need for
any firewall?

On Wed, Dec 9, 2009 at 10:05 AM, tjpa <> wrote:

On Dec 8, 2009, at 8:53 PM, Ranbo wrote:

I uninstalled Zone Alarm Pro (after activating the Windows firewall).  So
far, things are better - loading web pages and documents.  FF still seems
little sluggish at times, with IE being somewhat faster.

Don't you have a router which provides you with a firewall? Hardware
firewalls are safer and more efficient. You only need a software firewall if
you are on a local network that has untrusted computers on it (e.g.
teenagers with PCs sharing your network with you).

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