I came into computers rather late.

I graduated from Seminary (graduate school) in 82 and the only computers then were very rudimentary.

I got a Commodore 64 in 84. I did not get my first PC till 86.

The commodore had 64K memory and I started with a cassette tape drive. I remember typing in Machine language programs.

I taught Commodore Basic and Word Pro for Commodore Business Machines at the local HS for evening classes. In Canada the schools all had CBM computers as Commodore was a Canadian company.

I paid a couple of hundred for the 180K disk drive when I could afford it.

At one time dad had a TRS-80 model 3, I had the commodore and my brother had an Atari 800? A 300 baud modem was awesome!

My dads first HD was a 20MB and it cost him almost as much as his system, ATT 6300.


At 09:02 PM 12/22/2009, you wrote:
Geeze. You kids today.

My first HD was a Davong 5MB that cost several thousand dollars (fortunately, a client paid for it). But that's not the amusing part.

No, the amusing part is that I partitioned it into two 2.5MB partitions so I could run both PC-DOS and the UCSD p-System (and the p-System was far superior, by the way).

After living for some years with 90K diskettes (and cassette tape before that), I could not imagine how I would ever fill either partition.

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