Rosenberg, Alan [USA]
> The old days??

> The old days were when an IBM 7094 (the powerhouse of
> its day) filled a room with a raised floor, dedicated
> air conditioning, and a crew of operators, cost
> megabucks to buy (or lease) and maintain, had a cycle
> time measured in microseconds, and a maximum memory
> capacity equivalent to 32KB.

My first system was a PDP-11/40 with a max memory of 124kw
(248kbytes, 8kbytes were devoted to I/O and CSR) with a
66mb disk drive and a tape drive - that was in 1979...

Take care  | This clown speaks for himself, his job doesn't
Wayne D.   | supply this, at least not directly
I am always exact and precise, more or less.

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