You eat out?  Give your credit card or visa debit to the waitress making
2+tips an hour?  Drive through at jack or mcds and give the card to the kid
making 8 bucks an hour?  Not to mention all the people who get their CC
numbers etc stolen by hackers at the bank level.  I'm not sure I'd say Mint
is the point of weakness.

On Wed, Jan 6, 2010 at 6:11 AM, Michael Fernando <>wrote:

>'s security tech and practices are here:
> They keep the passwords encrypted.  They are not encrypted as one-way
> hashes
> and they decrypt  them to use at the bank sites.  24/7 security guards?
> Even if they have a guard dog, I don't want someone else storing my bank
> login credentials.  So, this worries me.
> On Tue, Jan 5, 2010 at 2:21 PM, mike <> wrote:
> > We are considering moving to a new bank, one small reason to do this is
> > because our bank doesn't support, there are other larger
> reasons
> > for the move but don't involve the tech side of things.  So...anyone have
> > thoughts on specifically and or banks they use to interface
> with
> >, AND any thoughts on banks with bad online interfaces?  Any
> > thoughts welcome.
> >
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