On Wed, Jan 6, 2010 at 1:19 PM, Victor Subervi <victorsube...@gmail.com> wrote:

> This is my point. Apple and Amazon *only* ship computers to the continental
> US. I would not use FedEx or UPS...way too expensive...they charge for
> shipping to the Caribbean. The USPS charges as if it were the continental
> US...*much* cheaper. My question is, where can I find a vendor who will ship
> via USPS and isn't anal retentive about shipping outside the continental US.

  Question is understood.  Perhaps some independent vendors of Mac
equipment, Other World Computing for example, may do so.  I just do
not know.  Anyone down where you are have any good info about shipping
from the United States?

  Apple shipped my computer by FedEx for free.  That computer was a
refurb, and I guess shipping was factored into the purchase price.  If
your brother could get it for "free" or otherwise from Apple, perhaps
the USPS could handle it from there.  A hassle, yes, but he is your
brother, right?


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