On Jan 7, 2010, at 5:10 AM, Victor Subervi wrote:
The problem isn't on our end. The problem is that either the vendors don't use USPS or refuse to ship to the VI based on a set of rules someone on top
arbitrarily set, usually based on rules copied from other companies!

I think they avoid USPS because it is unreliable and doesn't take inquiries about lost mail seriously.

Last year they lost a registered letter I sent. Their inquiry number had very long hold times and clueless employees. Their standard reply was "we don't know, we'll call you back." But they never would call back. I eventually gave up on them and had to pay late fees. USPS could care less.

Some years ago I lost an UPS package. They too said "we'll call you back" and they did. "Sorry, your package was run over by a truck. We'll send you a check for its value." And they promptly did.

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