On Thu, Jan 7, 2010 at 10:37 AM, tjpa <t...@tjpa.com> wrote:

> On Jan 7, 2010, at 5:10 AM, Victor Subervi wrote:
>> The problem isn't on our end. The problem is that either the vendors don't
>> use USPS or refuse to ship to the VI based on a set of rules someone on
>> top
>> arbitrarily set, usually based on rules copied from other companies!
> I think they avoid USPS because it is unreliable and doesn't take inquiries
> about lost mail seriously.
> Last year they lost a registered letter I sent. Their inquiry number had
> very long hold times and clueless employees. Their standard reply was "we
> don't know, we'll call you back." But they never would call back. I
> eventually gave up on them and had to pay late fees. USPS could care less.
> I worked my way through school in the university mail rooms.  One of the
truisms from the post office was the fastest way to lose something in the
mail was to certify it or register it.  The special handling required tends
to send things astray and it would almost always slow things down.

The modern tracking at the PO is done on their website and you will probably
find out as much as the PO does.
John Duncan Yoyo

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