On Wed, Feb 3, 2010 at 7:40 PM, tjpa <t...@tjpa.com> wrote:

> This lack of interchange is the #1 iPhone/iTouch/iPad deficiency. I
> understand why Apple is so extreme about protecting their product, but I
> wish they could find a better way. The thing that made the iPod so appealing
> was that I could easily fill it with my own content. If the Apple Store were
> the only source of MP3s I don't think the iPod would have been successful.

  This is what others have been saying in one fashion or another, and
each in their own way, including folks on this list.  This is one
thing you wrote saying just a few days ago in response to such

  "You forgot to mention the lack of parallel port and built-in floppy
disk drive. Apple is showing you the future while you cling to the
past. Everything you mention is a technology on its way out. You want
the iPad studded with ports that you should no longer need. That is
not how Apple leads."

  Jobs was fond of quoting Wayne Gretzky about how he, Gretzky, was
successful because he always skated to where the puck was going to be,
not to where it currently was.  Of course, that tack would work for
Gretzky because he was almost exclusively a shooter.  Well, it took a
lot of "muckers" working that puck where it lay on the ice in order to
put it onto Gretzky's stick so that he could score those goals.  Jobs
sees himself as Gretzky.  The "muckers" are his minions and the buying

  So, just maybe Apple's lead, real as it is in many ways, may be
predicated to a great extent upon protecting its own turf and
increasing corporate attempts to demonstrate to the public who the
boss really is even as they put out some nice products.  Serving the
wishes or desires of their end users for hardware that they can use in
a manner and style of their own choosing may be more secondary than
primary these days.

  Is Mr. Jobs personal trepidation or any likely fears about his own
human frailty being reflected in how he is running Apple Corp?  Just a

  And, yes, your observation about the success of the iPod is well taken.


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