On Feb 4, 2010, at 8:16 AM, phartz...@gmail.com wrote:
Why do you say that current interface ports, still being used by
almost every computer user and still being manufactured in large
quantities and suppled on most computers, are already obsolete?  I
believe that your assertions along these lines do not comport with the
definition of the word obsolete.

I think I wrote "obsolescent" which is short of obsolete. I think we need to be keenly aware of what's happening.

The latest iMac comes with a wireless keyboard and a wireless mouse and a wireless network. It still has many of those old ports in the back. And I would expect a desktop computer to have them. However, the iPad is not a desktop computer. It should not be configured like one. I think what Apple did is very appropriate for a new type of device.

In terms of interoperability, Apple made a radical and interesting simplification. Apple is not going to let any malware crash its iPad. The way Apple has arranged things, the most an app can do is to go down in flames in isolation -- the rest of the device will keep on ticking. I can see how that is a good thing.

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