On Thu, Feb 4, 2010 at 12:21 AM, t.piwowar <t...@tjpa.com> wrote:

> Studding the iPad with obsolescent ports is not a good thing. My wanting
> better interchange is not an appeal for more ports. The built-in 802.11n
> should be entirely sufficient.

  Studded, no.  No one here but yourself has mentioned festooning the
iPad with ports.  USB is pretty much universal and clearly not
obsolete in spite of your insistence that it is.  Personally, I like
FireWire, but it is not nearly as popular or as widely used, yet still
not obsolete.

  Why do you say that current interface ports, still being used by
almost every computer user and still being manufactured in large
quantities and suppled on most computers, are already obsolete?  I
believe that your assertions along these lines do not comport with the
definition of the word obsolete.


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