Actually, it was a lot better than listening to the usual political fare. At least the panelists were making sense--no crackpot theories, no totally non-reality-based assertions, etc. And I was doing t'ai chi at the time, so I wasn't particularly demanding.

And, as the participants pointed out, without having the device in hand, there's not a lot you CAN say about the iPad [and similar yet- to-be released devices] in a public forum on the radio, without looking silly.

And speaking of silly--the Frontline program on the Digital Revolution (or whatever) on WETA last night. I agree that looking things up on Google is a lot faster than looking them up in the encyclopedia, and texting to your friends is a little faster than talking on the phone, but will we have a whole new type of human being, just because a lot of middle-class people have bought wireless plans and carry smartphones? Because students cheat by downloading a plot synopsis of "Romeo and Juliet" instead of getting it from Cliff's Notes?

On Feb 4, 2010, at 12:36 AM, t.piwowar wrote:

On Feb 4, 2010, at 12:20 AM, Constance Warner wrote:
I listened. It was about what you would expect. The participants concluded that the iPad was a developmental stage beyond the iPod or iPhone, but not really revolutionary, at least for now. They agreed that there could be interesting developments in the future (involving the iPad and its successors), but they couldn't foresee anything specific, because the exact nature of computer "progress" is often difficult to predict.

Oh you make it sound sooo sad. Nowhere near as much fun as listening to the weather forecast.

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