The logical conclusion of all this is bad for the consumer.  Will we need an
e-reader for each publishing house?  If I have a kindle, can I transfer
those book to an iPad?  I'd guess not...which means I never bought books...I
bought a right to read them on an e-reader.  Are we headed to the same head
banging against the wall fight we've had the last few years over MP3 drm but
now with ebooks?  No one ever learns.

On Thu, Feb 4, 2010 at 8:57 AM, Stewart Marshall <> wrote:

> At 09:03 AM 2/4/2010, you wrote:
> I don't agree. The iPhone gives us some great clues and all the
>> revolutionary changes it brought will still hold. Add to this the Time
>> Inc., YouTube video of what SI would look like on an iPad. Also add
>> what we have seen with the Kindle. And the current problems of the
>> news and media industry. I don't think it requires much of a stretch
>> of the imagination to see that the iPad is going to be a very
>> interesting device.
> This is something they mentioned as good and bad.  The control that the
> device has can get bigger.
> The fiasco with Amazon being able to get into the Kindle and remove books
> was listed as one of those areas of control.  Also being able to determine
> what content will and will not be allowed.
> Control is being ceded to the seller of technology and not held by the
> owner (lessee) of the technology.
> This was one of the problems they cited with the introduction of the Ipad.
>  Also the incompatibility of all the formats right now is a another problem.
>  Each one uses a different format.
> No conclcusions just some observations.
> Stewart
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