If you look for obvious revolutionary new, you will not see the impact.
Jobs gave us a clue: standing on their shoulders.  His intent, I believe
is to change how consumers, maybe businesses as well, view the hand
held, wireless and portable device market by putting it together to add
more value.  Don't know how it will play out, but I will be watching to
see what Apple does and how they do it.

I am not dismissing it, as you seem to be Mike, because I think watching
will be fun and I will learn from it.

Thank you, 
Mark Snyder 
-----Original Message-----
Well it's hardly a paradigm change, Jobs is doing what other devices
already done before him..and some would argue better.  The kindle comes
free wireless, you can download books anywhere for free.  Apple is
doing what they have done for years, take existing products and trying
make them better.

On Thu, Feb 4, 2010 at 9:09 AM, Snyder, Mark - IdM (IS)
> wrote:

> Yes, with the iPad Jobs is attempting a wireless, portable device
> paradigm change.  Well worth watching to see how Apple goes about it.
> Thank you,
> Mark Snyder
> -----Original Message-----
> I don't agree. The iPhone gives us some great clues and all the
> revolutionary changes it brought will still hold. Add to this the Time
> Inc., YouTube video of what SI would look like on an iPad. Also add
> what we have seen with the Kindle. And the current problems of the
> news and media industry. I don't think it requires much of a stretch
> of the imagination to see that the iPad is going to be a very
> interesting device.
> > <snip>
> I have not watched it yet, but I wonder if you are missing the major
> qualitative changes that even a small change in technology can
> achieve. Cell phones give ubiquitous connectivity. The ability to
> reach out to people at any time from any place changes how we organize
> our daily lives. Add to this mix Apple's apps innovation and you not
> have the same ubiquitous ability to reach data. Add to this GPS and
> you can become aware of your environment in a way that is wholly
> different. This is a big deal.
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