Since when is Apple's marketing strategy based on fear? Beauty, utility, but fear? This is something new that has nothing to do with being different or innovative.

And some of us will brave the big bold outside world and get out of Apple's
walled garden.  And we are rewarded.

On Thu, Feb 4, 2010 at 12:40 PM, tjpa <> wrote:

On Feb 4, 2010, at 1:34 PM, b_s-wilk wrote:

Apple is making their portable devices more closed than their computers by
limiting the applications that can be used on them. Of course, there are
over 100,000 iPhone apps, does Apple have to approve each one? Why not
simply say 'application source untrusted' instead and let users choose.

If you don't want safe and secure you can go buy an Android phone. That is
how you choose.

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