On Thu, 04 Feb 2010 13:24:55 -0800, mike escribió:

I sort of agree with the storage aspect, but that is relative also...to some
4 gigs is enough, others want 64 gigs and that still isn't enough.  With
cloud based services many things can be left on the net and accessed as
needed from an iphone or android etc.  I keep a lot of pictures on sugarsync
so it doesn't take up storage on my phone even though I have a 16 gig card
in my phone.

There you go with that "cloud" nonsense. Fine if you live, work and travel only where there's reliable, affordable broadband, but that's not most of the country--or the world. The "cloud" is not a good place for data that you need to access at any time.

I've had to rely on remote servers that "done me wrong" for too many years. Don't trust them. Never did. No reason to rely on them in the near or not-so-near future. Have you ever lost data on a remote server? Have you ever stored important data that you couldn't access because the network wasn't available or the server was down? Still happens often enough not to rely on the "cloud".

Andy Ihnatko says of backups, "If it doesn't exist in 3 places, it doesn't exist." Using the cloud for backup is like a 3-legged stool with one leg [the cloud] taped together with one layer of paper tape.

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