Sounds lIke a case could be made not to implement any expansion of
    internet access, and even to curtail, limit or eliminate a lot of what
    already exists.  I'd have to think that were any evidence to come to
    light that a cyber attack was occurring, that internet access would be
    shut down for all but "necessary" systems.

Sound's like today's conservative mantra: don't fix healthcare, dismantle it. 
So I suppose a true conservative would eschew TCP/IP for good old reliable 
smoke signals.

Why shut it down? Ramping up is better. Can you really shut down everything without something drastic and stupid like an EMP? And that wouldn't shut down those who are secure and off grid. There are too many short cuts and back doors. Expand everything. Are you likely to be attacked?

Who would attack and how? What software and hardware would be shut down by a cyber attack anyway?

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