On Fri, Feb 26, 2010 at 7:07 AM, Fred Holmes <f...@his.com> wrote:

> Isn't that just handing victory to the attacker?  Isn't the attacker trying 
> to limit Internet access so that commerce and banking shut down?  I can't do 
> my banking because my Internet access is denied during an emergency.  
> Retailers lose all their business because their potential customers can't 
> read the advertising?

  I am most certainly not advocating anything such as limiting
internet expansion or the ability to access it.  There could be calls
from some quarters to limit access to the system if it were to come
under attack and if that attack would be aided by the internet
remaining wide open.  Who knows what kind of cyber attack could be
launched, what it would entail or how it would be implemented?

  Hey, just yesterday I was informed by the credit card fraud squad
that my card had been compromised and that a bunch of stuff related to
accessories for BMW automobiles had been purchased with my card
number.  That could only have happened through my use of that card on
the internet as that was the one and only manner in which I had ever
used that particular card.  Likely some hack into the files of an
on-line retailer.  I had not used that card in over six months and it
was all paid off as well.


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