On Feb 26, 2010, at 8:12 AM, phartz...@gmail.com wrote:
Hey, just yesterday I was informed by the credit card fraud squad
that my card had been compromised and that a bunch of stuff related to
accessories for BMW automobiles had been purchased with my card
number.  That could only have happened through my use of that card on
the internet as that was the one and only manner in which I had ever
used that particular card.

We are extremely vulnerable because the Feds do not police the Internet. They are too busy eating donuts to go after botnets and spammers. So when something really bad happens they will not have the skills necessary to figure out what is happening and do something about it. If they can't track down and arrest a crook who is taking credit card orders for fraudulent goods, how can we expect them to find somebody who is making an active effort to hide?

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