I didn't even know MS was working on a pad like device...I know HP has the
slate which is a finished product and due soon.  There are a lot of devices
coming out that are pad like devices, some more expensive than others.  I
seriously doubt when MS saw the iphone they said to themselves 'holy cow we
need to make a multitouch device the size of a small car to fight them!'

No one said the ipad was imaginary, making up stuff never helps your
case..and have you seen the ipad?  It is a big ipod touch.  Aside from size,
what is the difference?

On Tue, Mar 9, 2010 at 7:35 AM, tjpa <t...@tjpa.com> wrote:

> On Mar 9, 2010, at 7:47 AM, John Duncan Yoyo wrote:
>> The possible windows pad is an advertising feint.  Just like M$ announced
>> the Surface when Apple's iPhone Buzz sucked all the oxygen out of the
>> market
>> before it's release the pad is a peice of advertising vaporware intended
>> to
>> keep the M$ name in circulation.
> Exactly. We are a few weeks away from being able to walk into an Apple
> Store to buy an iPad. M$ is still doodling and has not even settled on the
> processor necessary to run it. That's a big difference.
> Apple also has a track record of big successes with this type of product.
> M$ has a record of failure and vaporware.
> It is interesting how the WFBs will say in the same breath that the iPad is
> nothing more than a big iTouch and then claim that it is an imaginary
> product.
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