MS has released a required set of hardware requirements for their phones and manufacturers are developing said phones at present.

Lets be real Tom they may be slow but they are working on it.

Not everyone may be a clueless as you are to reality.


At 08:35 AM 3/9/2010, you wrote:
Exactly. We are a few weeks away from being able to walk into an Apple
Store to buy an iPad. M$ is still doodling and has not even settled on
the processor necessary to run it. That's a big difference.

Apple also has a track record of big successes with this type of
product. M$ has a record of failure and vaporware.

It is interesting how the WFBs will say in the same breath that the
iPad is nothing more than a big iTouch and then claim that it is an
imaginary product.

Rev. Stewart A. Marshall
Prince of Peace
Ozark, AL  SL 82

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