Stewart Marshall
> He is up tight because I said it is not reality yet
> until it hits the shelves.

I thought the MS slate/pad/tablet thingie was called the
Courier, last I heard it was very much in the prototype

I don't know if they're going to run Windows Mobile 7 or
Windows 7 on it.

> I say that about anything until it hits retail shelves.

> The Windows Mobile 7 phone is not reality until it hits
> store shelves.

> In my opinion the phone I most want to look at the
> Motorola Devour is not reality until it hits store
> shelves.  (All I can find is a stupid dummy phone to
> look at.)


Take care  | This clown speaks for himself, his job doesn't
Wayne D.   | supply this, at least not directly
My reality check just bounced

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