On 03/11/2010 10:13 AM, phartz...@gmail.com wrote:
> Usually, said
> permission requires a warrant in any jurisdiction.  The school system
> has neither claimed or established that it had obtained any form of
> legal permission to enter into the surveillance that was undertaken.
> It begins to appear as though the school system displayed a lot of
> excess hubris in their decision to essentially take the law into their
> own hands regarding claims of stolen or missing laptop computers.

I hate it when legal analysis gets into issues like this.  For example,
did the parents and students agree to cooperate in efforts to recover a
missing or stolen laptop assigned to the student?  If they did, then
they may well have agreed to such a recovery tactic even if said tactic
wasn't explicitly agreed to.  People can give up an awful lot of what
appears to be a right in order to work, or even get usage of a computer.

Incidentally, it should be noted that the fact negotiations are now
apparently occurring means that at least one side doesn't want this to
go to trial and possibly both.

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