On Fri, Mar 12, 2010 at 12:04 AM, Art Clemons <artclem...@aol.com> wrote:

> If the lawyers involved haven't already gotten all of the pictures
> involved, I'ld be heartily shocked.  Discovery is a tricky thing, but
> somehow something as major as the webcam photo wouldn't be missed in a
> suit, no matter how collegial the process is.

  Oh, I agree with you.  Perhaps the photo has been provided to the
plaintiffs at this point, or perhaps the photo is no longer available
as the school system had no policy related to retention of data.
however, I am sure that the parents saw the photo back in November of
2009 when they met with the Vice Principal of the school to discuss
the charges that their son was involved in drug use....er, actually
candy use.


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