On Tue, Mar 9, 2010 at 7:10 PM, Art Clemons <artclem...@aol.com> wrote:

> Suspecting someone has something and having proof that same individual
> has it are two different things and usually two different sets of
> circumstances too.

  This is true, and it is too bad that the school apparently forgot
about that fact.  The Vice Principal at the school ostensibly told the
student and his parents that Blake, the student in question, had been
captured by the camera of engaging in "inappropriate behavior,"
specifically the ingestion of drugs which turned out to me candies.
The Vice Principal claimed drug use to be fact, not suspicion.  That
was a major blunder, and that was the inappropriate behavior in this
case as opposed to anything that the student had done.

  That Vice Principal issued an in-person statement the other day
wherein she vehemently denied having ever authorized any of the
surveillance that took place.  The accused student and his parents
responded to that by stating that they fully accepted her statements,
and furthermore had never assumed that she had been the one who
authorized the spying.  The Vice Principal, during the issuing of her
statement of denials, did not deny having accused the student of drug
use, so I presume that did take place as claimed by the plaintiffs in
this matter.

  Here is a very recent statement from the head of the school system,
a Mr. Ebby:

"We will learn from this experience," Ebby said, "and implement those
changes that are necessary to better safeguard the privacy rights of
students and their families."

  From what I read, this is already an admission that some things were
mishandled at best or were potentially criminal at worst.  The school
system has suspended, with pay, the IT workers involved in the
surveillance, and has hired a New York firm to investigate the
instances of surveillance and how many times it was done.  Previously,
the school system has firmly stood its ground against any accusations
of having done anything untoward, unwarranted or having violated the
privacy rights of anyone.


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