On 03/11/2010 11:44 AM, Stewart Marshall wrote:
> Art I agree with you, but it does raise some pretty significant legal
> issues.
> Was the school within it's rights to have this type of tracking system? 
> (Apparently not according to PA law.)

Funnily enough despite PA statutes, this is probably unsettled law.

> Did the school inform the parents/students about this type of tracking
> ability?

I suspect that the school district didn't but the parents and students
likely signed a blind release that could at least arguably authorize
such tracking.

> I hope this does get settled, and I hope the school system gets a better
> tracking capabilty than it has.

What nobody seems to have noticed is that the school officials in
apparent good faith, tried to stop what it considered to likely be drug
usage, there was not an apparent attempt to involve the police once it
had determined who had removed the laptop from school.  I have lots of
bones to pick with Lower Merion but not over how it tried to deal with
what its officials perceived as drug usage.  Incidentally I'm a cynic, I
note how the pictures of the youth and his behavior with "Mike&Ike"
hasn't been released by his side.

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