Sure, but this ignore the discussion in the Ars article of the penalty:
RMW (read, modify, write).  Quoting from the Ars article:

"And so it was that last September (and it's this that makes it a little
surprising that the BBC and other outlets are talking about the issue
now, but it's one that certainly deserves the publicity), Western
Digital announced its "Advanced Format" drives. Advanced Format drives
use the 4096-byte sectors, 100-byte error codes, and a 40-byte gap as
described above. However, to maintain compatibility with Windows XP,
they pretend to use 512-byte sectors. As can be seen from the spec sheet
(the drives with 64 MiB cache, model numbers ending in AARS or EARS) all
use 4096 byte sectors internally) the sector counts even for the 2 TB
drives are high; the 2 TB disk having just shy of 4 billion sectors.

This kind of deceit is a problem if software tries to write less than
4096 bytes at a time. To write 512 bytes out of 4096, the drive must
read all 4096, update the 512 written bytes, and then write back all
4096 bytes (a process known as read-modify-write, RMW). That means more
seeking and more disk activity, which is clearly going to perform worse
than a 512 byte write on an old drive with true 512 byte sectors. But
this isn't such a problem since, as already mentioned, most disk
activity occurs in multiples of 4096 bytes anyway. When writing 4096
bytes, the RMW cycle isn't needed, as there's no need to read data if
it's going to be overwritten anyway, so the performance impact is

The biggest problem is when the 4096 byte write straddles two sectors.
When that happens, the situation is even worse as two RMW cycles are
needed, one for each partially-written sector. However, as long as the
partition starts on sector boundary, "almost all" subsequent writes
will-due to the OS's widespread use of 4096 byte writes-line up
properly, so they won't straddle multiple sectors and won't need
And as luck would have it, the most widely used operating system in the
world will always create partitions that don't line up nicely. Single
partition Windows XP systems will always make the first partition start
on the 63rd 512 byte sector. If it was just one sector further on, then
everything would line up nicely on these pseudo-512 byte sector drives.
But as it is, Windows XP partitions on such a disk will have to suffer
two RMW operations for almost every single write made to the disk. This
is mitigated somewhat by many operations being multiples  of 4096 bytes,
so it's only at the start and end of each operation that the
read-modify-write is needed, but nonetheless the overhead is

Thank you, 
Mark Snyder 
-----Original Message-----
The 512-byte sectors are emulated. That's what the OS sees. Physically,
they're 4K sectors.

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