> This kind of deceit is a problem if software tries to write less than
> 4096 bytes at a time.

Yes, but NTFS uses 4K clusters. To the best of my knowledge, it never writes 
512-byte sectors. (And even if it did, the vast majority of writes in typical 
use would tend to be large--only the last,
partial block would be small.)

> And as luck would have it, the most widely used operating system in the
> world will always create partitions that don't line up nicely. Single
> partition Windows XP systems will always make the first partition start
> on the 63rd 512 byte sector. If it was just one sector further on, then
> everything would line up nicely on these pseudo-512 byte sector drives.

That's precisely what the jumper settings/utility rectify. They transparently 
move the partition start from the 63rd sector to the 64th sector. XP never 
knows that the sectors are not physically
located where it thinks they are.

So, both of these are non-issues.

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