Location services are getting huge, even in small use spaces.  Using our
phones when I was at the mall to pick up that iPhone 4, we used different
location services offered by our phones to test how accurate they could be,
instead of calling and asking 'hey where are you?  I'm in front of the
Cinnabon salivating..' just look for the little blue dot.  There you are.
Google is offering services so when you arrive in a city it tells you which
friends are close, what they may be doing via facebook or foursquare, their
recent tweets etc etc.  Google Android is going in a different direction
than iPhone, it's about taking all these different lanes of information and
collating them into one usable line of information to the user.  Rumor is
they are about to take on the 500 million user strong Facebook with their
own product (no it's not orkut).  A user base that grows at 150,000 per day,
that is the recent news about activations per day of google handsets, is a
big audience.  For those counting...3 million ipads in 3 months, 1 million
per month, google is selling over 4 million per month and growing.  While my
friends iPhone was killer, he cringed a little when I told him I get more
minutes, more texts and more data for 40 dollars less a month.

On Wed, Jun 30, 2010 at 10:08 AM, tjpa <t...@tjpa.com> wrote:

> You are putting a negative spin on it. Geolocation is hot and has many
> applications. Telling someone that they will never be lost or bewildered in
> an unfamiliar neighborhood is a fantastic selling point. It is a very
> positive benefit. I have read several stories about people using their smart
> phones to get quick medical help. The same app that finds you pizza can also
> find you a physician.
> On Jun 30, 2010, at 11:39 AM, Constance Warner wrote:
>> But much of the marketing for smartphones concerns just such convenience
>> issues as picking a restaurant (or a store, or some other way of consuming);
>> so this isn't my idea.   In nearly all the commercials I've seen,
>> convenience and consumption are the main selling points of smartphones and
>> portable smart devices.
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