Andreas Schulz wrote:
>> Why aren't you using a callback in learn_from_remote() (which would, I
>> assume pass through to LearnIR)?
> I atually considered a callback for a short while initially, but then
> decided against it, since it would not give much useful information.
> The most important progress for learning is the timeout for reception
> of the signal (4 sec), and that is completely handled by the low-level
> driver, so no way for a callback to indicate that the time is running 
> out - thus I made up my own 4sec gauge in the Python GUI as a separate
> task. The actual reception of a IR signal then is so fast that it's over 
> before you've could have noticed that there was a progress bar filling up.
>> You sorta fake it up in concordance.c, but LearnIR() has a lot of knowledge
>> of progress, it seems and a better progress meter could be given to the
>> user.
> ?? All concordance gives is a crude ASCII-rendering of the received signal -
> after all of it is received.

in _learn_ir_commands(), you call:
   cb_print_percent_status(1, 1, 1, NULL);

Which is just going to print a 100% immediately. In LearnIR(), however,
there's tons of stages - readreport, handle the response, validation,
writereport, encode... these stages could be equal precentages, or the long
ones can be given a part of the whole percentage, or whatever.

I won't block the patch on this - I'm just curious if this wouldn't be better.

> It's working fine this way with my LINUX as well (at least the parts of the
> code that I tested), but I can't speak for older versions.


> On my list for this week - hopefully I got the indentation settings of
> kdevelop right now.. Is there something like Java 'checkstyle' for C/C++?

Not that I know of.

> No idea why this should confuse anyone. IMHO it's worth to be mentioned 
> that you can navigate through the list BOTH forward and back (which AFAIR 
> you can't in Logitech's web interface).

I'm fine listing some of the features - it was the "now" thing I was trying
to avoid. Don't sweat it, when I apply the patch, I'll reconsider and adapt
as I see fit.

> So would (IMHO) setting shiftwidth=3, tabstop=3, expandtab and 
> textwidth=100.. 

I will *never* have code with textwidth > 80.

I don't like the tabs, I plan to move it to 2 or 4 spaces at some point.

> Seriously, I would rather keep prompt, key choices and defaut choice strings
> in place. I don't see any such string variables anwhere else in the code
> anyway...

You don't think

string prompt_without_upload = "[R]etry same key, [N]ext key, [Q]uit"
string prompt_with_upload = ...
if (!(*options).noweb) {
        user_cmd = get_cmd(prompt_with_upload, keys_with_upload, 'U');
} else {
        user_cmd = get_cmd(prompt_without_upload, keys_without_upload, 'N');

Looks much cleaner? You can base prompt_with_upload on prompt_without_upload
and only have to update one place if you add a new option.

It's up to you, I won't hold the patch because of it. Though, while I'm at
it, your calls to cb_print_percent_status() and post_new_code() are both
over 80 chars and don't need to be.

Also, please change:

delete_encoded_signal(post_string);    /* done, free memory */

/* done, free memory */

I think I put that in the docs. If not, sorry.

> Just a few more days, and an updated patch should be ready.

Cool! Looking forward to the new ones. Sorry I took so long to respond.

Phil Dibowitz                             [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Open Source software and tech docs        Insanity Palace of Metallica         

"Never write it in C if you can do it in 'awk';
 Never do it in 'awk' if 'sed' can handle it;
 Never use 'sed' when 'tr' can do the job;
 Never invoke 'tr' when 'cat' is sufficient;
 Avoid using 'cat' whenever possible" -- Taylor's Laws of Programming

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