Hello Karl, all

2011/9/19 Karl Wright <daddy...@gmail.com>

> Folks,
> I'd like to begin discussion about the next release, currently labeled
> 0.4, and also our potential for graduation from the incubator.  What
> I'd like is a sense of:
> (a) what we are still missing as far as incubator graduation is concerned,

at the moment I think we're in the right direction towards the graduation
(see the clutch report [1] which however doesn't count the new
committers/mentors as our page on Incubator website has to be updated).

> and
> (b) what a 1.0 release might look like to everyone

my point here relates also to the graduation: I think we're building a nice
community and the ManifoldCF code is being bettered every day but it seems
to me there are some (few) parts which need some refactoring as they can't
work as they are now (i.e.: support to MySQL DBs), also in my opinion we
should choose one of Maven or Ant and drop the other building system as I
fear this could confuse new users/devs.
A minor thing in my opinion is that a restyle of the UI would make
ManifoldCF some more "nice" to use, however this can be pretty personal and
less important than functional requirements.

> Please try to be as concrete as possible.  My own personal goal is to
> see this happen by the end of the year, more or less


>  To that end
> I've already begun triaging JIRA tickets for the 0.4 release that I
> think would be appropriate for a 1.0 release.
> It's entirely possible that some things that people feel strongly
> about may not be doable in that time frame, but so be it.  This may
> also be true of our status as a project.
What do others think?
All the best.

[1] : http://incubator.apache.org/clutch.html
[2] : http://incubator.apache.org/projects/manifoldcf.html

> Thanks,
> Karl

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