
I just published the source of connman-ui in github.
The repository can be found here:


As a description, I copy/paste here parts of the README file:

Connman-ui is a full-featured GTK based trayicon UI for ConnMan.

It targets all WM/DM users but Gnome3 ones*. It works on any Linux WM/DM
which provides a freedesktop compliant system tray. (kde, awesome, ...)

It exposes almost all features provided by ConnMan API (small features are
missing, see TODO for more informations). You can enable/disable a technology
(wired, wifi, cellular, bt, ...), connect/disconnect a service, configure a
service (IPv4, IPv6, DNS, Timeservers, etc...), share your current connection
(tethering) and so on. Everything is accessible through the mouse via the
trayicon, all with left and right click.


This is an alpha stage software. Though it has proven to be stable, the look and
feel require still lot of work, thus contributions are welcome!

*: for Gnome3 users please look for connman-extension in

Happy new year!

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