On Mon, Dec 31, 2012 at 5:11 PM, Tomasz Bursztyka
<tomasz.burszt...@linux.intel.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> I just published the source of connman-ui in github.
> The repository can be found here:


> https://github.com/tbursztyka/connman-ui
> As a description, I copy/paste here parts of the README file:
> Connman-ui is a full-featured GTK based trayicon UI for ConnMan.
> It targets all WM/DM users but Gnome3 ones*. It works on any Linux
> WM/DM which provides a freedesktop compliant system tray. (kde,
> awesome, ...)
> It exposes almost all features provided by ConnMan API (small
> features are missing, see TODO for more informations). You can
> enable/disable a technology (wired, wifi, cellular, bt, ...),
> connect/disconnect a service, configure a service (IPv4, IPv6, DNS,
> Timeservers, etc...), share your current connection (tethering) and
> so on. Everything is accessible through the mouse via the trayicon,
> all with left and right click.
> Notes:
> This is an alpha stage software. Though it has proven to be stable,
> the look and feel require still lot of work, thus contributions are
> welcome!
> *: for Gnome3 users please look for connman-extension in
> https://extensions.gnome.org/
> Happy new year!

This looks interesting Tomasz. Does it really require Gtk+ 3.x or can
it also be built with Gtk+ 2.x? I've been avoiding Gtk+ 3.x due to the
various new dependencies (libs and daemons) it pulls in in most distro
packages configurations. Also I haven't yet ported my Gtk+ 2.x
theme(s) to 3.x because of the unstable theming framework. I might
have to bite the bullet at some point and maybe build Gtk+3 manually
without some of the extra dependencies.
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