Hi Carsten,

This looks interesting Tomasz. Does it really require Gtk+ 3.x or can
it also be built with Gtk+ 2.x? I've been avoiding Gtk+ 3.x due to the
various new dependencies (libs and daemons) it pulls in in most distro
packages configurations. Also I haven't yet ported my Gtk+ 2.x
theme(s) to 3.x because of the unstable theming framework. I might
have to bite the bullet at some point and maybe build Gtk+3 manually
without some of the extra dependencies.

It currently works only on GTK+-3 indeed.
Moving to GTK+-2 requires to change some objects. There is no GtkSwitch for instance, and I don't know
about the rest but I believe it's not the only difference.

I don't know what your distro is doing but installing GTK+-3 should not change things that much.
It works on same versions of cairo, pango etc... as version 2.

Imho, version 3 is the way to go. But you are right, theming in version 3 is currently really painful compared to
earlier version.

I am not against a contribution to make connman-ui compatible with GTK+-2 ;)
It should not be that hard anyway. I could of course take a look myself, but not in the coming weeks.


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