Ok then it's really weird: ConnMan should not show up the wifi technology in this case.

Let's revisit this from scratch:

- give me your hardware specification of the wifi card
- what kernel version?
- get the latest version of ConnMan from git (1.23), built it with bootstrap-configure (adapt it according to your needs). this will built connman in a maintainer mode, so you will be able to run the output binary in src/ directly - wpa_supplicant 2.0 or 2.1 (verify it is built/installed as we advise too in connman's README file) - as before, start wpa_supplicant as I said, before connman. And run Connman then, as I already advised but this time the one from src (so src/./connmand if you are in your local connman repo)
- do you test, and give me the output

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