Hi Pasi,

With quite many Qualcomm based Android devices WCNSS settings have:

So having -65dBm instead of -45dBm should be still reasonable.

Depends on the chip, antenna, driver... It's really particular to all hw.

Myself at 3m, I have a very good signal with a low noise. I need to be at least at 10m to start to get bg scan running. And also, this is only the signal, not the noise (which again depends a lot on the hw) From Julien's experience, -70 is already killing his connectivity experience so such -76 is even more irrelevant in his case.

This values can't be set for every hw, there is no way we can generalize. If -65 works in your case, use it.

It's not really passive as the device is told to scan every 30secs and 
bg_simple will go through all channels and not just particular ones like 

At the chip level a passive scan is a passive scan: there should not be any probes sent. Theoretically, in real life it again depends on hw/drivers...

But as said earlier, it depends on hw/drivers and usage context. For instance in the document you linked (ok it's pretty old), it does not care at all about power efficiency, different use case, noise, etc... (note also they are aggressively scanning, it's far from every 30secs)
An experiment an all factors would be more relevant.

I wanted to get this bg scan configurable in main.conf, mainly for these reasons. Can't remember why it went nacked, but it could be now the perfect occasion to propose such feature again. Though in a perfect world, connman would not have to care at all about this, it should not be his job.


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