On Wed, 22 Aug 2001, Damian's Mailer wrote:

> At 09:48  21/08/2001, you wrote:
> >Hey everyone.
> >
> >Now we get to my problems.  The display during the install is awful
> >in one of two ways depending on if I check the 'Force video' option on
> >BootX.  I either get a nice looking display but the ADB mouse responds
> >extremely slowly or I get a squished display with odd colors, the images
> >wrap strangely on the screen, but the mouse functions fine.  When the
> >mouse is unresponsive, the keyboard also responds poorly (very, very
> >slow).
> I got the display problem using an early Bondi Blue iMac, with a meager 2MB
> video display and 32MB of system memory.  It appears that the problem
> stemmed from selecting a video resolution that the machine did not
> appreciate.  Initially I Chose 800x600x32bit, and it gave a screen in grey
> 1 screen height and 4 screen widths wide.  The problem was solved by
> running DrakConf and setting the video colour level to 16 bit on my
> particular machine.

I may be missing something, but it sounds like you encountered your
problem after having installed RC1 and rebooted.  I am encountering
this display problem during my install.  They could both be related
and perhaps fixed in similar ways.  I'm just unfamiliar with the
full install process for Mandrake.

How would I start up the graphical installer by hand?  Is there a
console fallback mode I can select through BootX using a provided
option?  This would at least allow me to install the build and then
worry about X later if I want to.

> >I also noticed several messages on the first console.  The same message
> >kept scrolling by which basically said the default locale was set
> >incorrectly in a gtk module (perl I think?) and it could not find
> >the correct information.  I doubt that has anything to do with the
> >problems I have but it could be something to clean up later.
> I also had this on an initial install after choosing the UK location.  I
> defaulted to US on the next install and the error went away.  I didn't not
> any real problems apart from the error messages though.

At the point I see the errors, I have not selected any locations or
country codes.  I agree that it does not appear to have a real effect
that I can tell.

> Damian.

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