On Wed, 29 Aug 2001, Quentin Mason wrote:

QM> pmud is for (older) laptops; I am almost certain that you will need
QM> somet other solution for a desktop...
QM> My wallstreet powerbook works well with pmud (I HIGHLY recommend gkrellm
QM> w/ gkrellm-pmu as a battery monitor BTW), with the sleep-battery
QM> performance improving with each release.
QM> Are you looking for something to cycle down the processor or just the
QM> monitor ?
QM> Good luck,

What kind of power (battery, processor, screen) montor should I use for my

Henrik Edlund <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

"You're young, you're drunk, you're in bed, you have knives; shit
happens." -- Angelina Jolie

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