> QM> pmud is for (older) laptops; I am almost certain that you will need
> QM> somet other solution for a desktop...
>RE: desktop power management

APM kernel stuff maybe ?  I do not know whether this is supported on PPC

> What kind of power (battery, processor, screen) montor should I use for my
> iBook2?
>RE: portables

You need two separate things:
1) something to put the machine to sleep, detect low-battery, report
battery levels.  This is pmud
2) some cool widget for your desktop which waves/flashes/makes
sounds/draws ace pictures etc which includes some battery level report.
I would recommend gkrellm w/ the gkrellm-pmu plugin for this.

Apparently bronxe-key powerbooks, Titaniums are supported by pmud now.  
Pmud is included in Mandrake PPC.  A quick search on ibook2+pmud on google
suggests that a debian user has it working on an ibook2 so make sure that
power management PPC is turned on in your kernel (default kernel has this  
AFAIK) and install it.  Run pmud -d to see whether it is happy running on
your machine...

Good luck,


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