On Wednesday, November 28, 2001, at 06:11 PM, Stew Benedict wrote:

> On Wed, 28 Nov 2001, Aaron Stechesen wrote:
>>> Can you:
>>> 1) boot the rescue CD
>> Rescue cd?  Do I enter rescue from the yaboot prompt after the cd loads
>> or what. On the pc it is an option right from the time the cd
>> boots/mounts (press F1 if I am not mistaken).
> I believe there is a "rescue" choice at the yaboot prompt.
>>> 2) tell me something about what
>>>     /sbin/pdisk -l /dev/hda
>>>    says
>> I had it partitioned fine all three times that I laid out the hard 
>> drive.
> I'm not doubting your partition setup.   just want to know what it is to
> be able to help out with specific instructions.
>>> 3) If you know what partition you installed linux on, mount it on
>>> /mnt/disk in the rescue mode and send:
>>>     the contents of yaboot.conf
>>>     ls -l /boot
>> Can't help you there right now because I removed Mandrake in place of
>> Darwin. But I may be able to devote a few GB to mandrake after. Is 
>> there
>> a way to avoid this continual problem at install? I may try 
>> reinstalling
>> before i install Darwin.
> As I said.  I have the same machine and have done many installs on it. 
> We
> wouldn't have released the product if it couldn't set up the bootloader.
> Obviously in your case there's something wrong, but since the system is 
> no
> longer there I guess it's a moot point,
> Did you ever ask for help on this list when you had the problem?
Embarassingly I couldn't quite figure this cooker thing out. I am not 
very familiar with it.

To answer the partitioning from before. hda 6 was my mac partition and 
is was alloted 8GB (didn't have a choice with this one). It contains OS 
X.1 and 9.2 (don't like 9.2 but I needed it for my scanner). Then came 
the bootstrap partition, partition type of Apple_Bootstrap. Then, root 
partition size varied (ususally 3.4 GB) Partitioned as UNIXSRVR_2  (or 
however that goes), linux swap (250 GB), finally /home (7+GB) also typed 
UNIXSERVR_2. Install goes fine (usually) always installed clean. 
Bootloader always loads and works....except  with Mandrake.
>   I
> usually try to go the extra mile to help folks out.
> Stew Benedict
> --
> MandrakeSoft  OH/TN, USA      http://perso.mandrakesoft.com/~sbenedict/
> PPC FAQ: http://www.linux-mandrake.com/en/demos/PPC/FAQ/

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