On Mon, 29 Apr 2002, Rick Thomas wrote:

> I had a similar problem.  It turned out that I had more than 16 partitions
> on my hard disk (the Apple driver partitions, OS-9, ML, OS-X, it all adds up
> after a while...)  When I got everything crammed down under 16 partitions,
> the problems went away.

That could be a clue.  In the x86 world I don't you ever see that many
partitions.  I've seen hangs like that early on in both 8.0 and 8.2, but
they were due to applications (msec for one) that run after the bootloader
setup, and in that case it was very consistant on every machine, and
correctect before we ever got to making ISOs. 

If you're getting as far as the bootloader setup, most everything is done
but X setup, which could actually be done afterwards using drakxconf. 

Stew Benedict

PPC FAQ: http://www.linux-mandrake.com/en/demos/PPC/FAQ/

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