> I will write a mini setup program as Microsft does ;)
> Up to now I just "echo" out the instructions and the license (with a 
> line that sounds like 'using the software presumes you have accepted the 
> license terms at all"

Intel's free compiler, Mathematica, and maple take the following approach:

write a simple script that reviews the license, asks/determines which 
parts /things to install, unpacks the appropriate rpm's and installs them 
-- relocating to users chosen path if that is an option.  These can be run 
from a script by catting in the required answers: install_ace_package < 
my_options.   Generally such packages are add-ons and go in /opt and are 
individually installed.  

On the other hand if you have used rpm to mark your license type and have 
included it in the distro then arguable an installer is/should be aware of 

VMware + staroffice(?) take an alternative approach -- rpm's to install
but a first-time script to be run by users to setup the network daemons
etc:  vmware-config.pl and soffice.

Alternatively you can have the program auto-detect different features like 
SSE1/2 MMX support for multimedia libraries.

Hopefully you should be inspired by one of these examples.

Good luck,


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