Hello all,

I apologize in advance for querying the list about a non-mandrake 9.x install problem. I am still using 8.2 rather nicely on my PB G3 (Pismo).

Since Apple doesn't include the audio portion on its CDdrives (I am sure they are saving a bundle), one can not just use cdp, or Grip to play a CD. My question is, has anyone had any sucess with playing an audio CD directly off the CD and out to the speakers? I thought I could just pipe cdparanoia to standard out, and then send that to /dev/sound/dsp, but it doesn't work. CDparanoia doesn't like the '-' parameter for sending to standard out (although the manpage says it does work).

So anyone have any utilities or thoughts on how to play a simple audio CD on a Mac (using PPC Linux, of course)?



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