Hi again,

Okay, I ran an rsync and tried the Panoramix install for the second time
(using mdkinst_hd.img).  First the good news:

- The slowness problem is gone.  It's very quick now.
- My parition table wasn't wiped!  (Yay!)

The bad news:

After choosing my root partition, it asks which paritions to format (just
between root and swap for me.)  I clicked the root, then clicked OK.  I
then got the following error:

all: can't opendir /tmp/rhimage/Mandrake/RPMS: No such file or directory

I aborted at that point by hitting ctrl-alt-bs.  When it dropped back to
text mode, I noticed lots of "use of uninitialized variable" errors.
It "use strict" being used?  Maybe some checks for "defined($var)" need to
be added?

Anyway, I'm a glutton for punishment.  Let me know when this is fixed and
I'll give it another whirl.  (I think I should order a tape backup system.


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