On Wed, 3 Nov 1999, allxsan wrote:

> On 03-Nov-99 David Hart wrote:
> > On Tue, 02 Nov 1999, allxsan wrote:
> >> I like too much Cooker and love the upgrades and the improvement. But I'm
> >> very
> >> serious and cannot send to other people an incomplete or not working CD.
> >> I simply ask, if possible, to upgrade also thinking to me... and others with
> >> phone bill charged in minutes. 
> > 
> >       You seem to be missing the point of the Cooker idea. This is not a
> > distribution you should bother with if you only have a modem connection. And
> > it's not meant to always install correctly or even work at all. If your
> > friend
> > needs a working distro, send him Mandrake 6.1, or at least wait until the
> > next
> > release goes into beta. Cooker will ALWAYS be unstable because its not meant
> > to
> > be stable. It's only meant to be a way of constantly testing new stuff. 
> >       Sorry for the rant, but if I were on the dev team, I'd find your
> > comments somewhat insulting. 
> Insulting? :-)))
> No flame please :-) I'm was a sysop ( fidonet ) for too much years, betatester
> for many fidonet technology software, btester for Adaptec EasyCDCreator,
> Corel WordPerfect... Leaved fidonet because flames with stupid people 15 years
> old that say things like: use FrontDoor, Binkley term is sh...
> I want stay here in peace, just explain my opinion without offending anyone :-)
> I know that this is a testing stuff but if this stuff is public and if the
> instructions for make iso image and CD is on the web I think that someone want
> people for testing. 
> If this is not the case... sorry, I leave right now :-)

We had many questions "how do i make a cd of this" so we put them their as
it's a pretty good spot.
> Bye
> Alessandro
> ----------------------------------
> E-Mail: allxsan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Date: 03-Nov-99
> Time: 02:06:22
> This message was sent by XFMail
> ----------------------------------

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