----- Original Message -----
Sent: Sunday, January 30, 2000 9:13 PM
Subject: Re: [Cooker] 7.0 release delayed!

> ok, done now. and i promise i'll kill any guy (or even any women :) that
find a
> bug in fat resize! i'm totally fud up with nasty windobe, i must have
> around 10 times the thing in 2 days and more than 40 scandisk...

Well, it not really MS Windows unless you re-install and re-install and
re-install . . .

I have found Symantec Ghost to be a great way to reinstall MS Windows: get
Windows configured like you want it, use Ghost to make an image file, burn
the image file to a CD-R using the Ghost boot floppy as the boot image. A
restore is simple; boot the CD, run ghost, copy the image back and re-boot.
Ghost will also work the same magic on ext2 partitions.

It's worth a look, especially if you need to work with MS windows for
compatability reasons and can't stand it messing up all the time.


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