geoffrey lee wrote:

> Chmouel Boudjnah wrote:
> >
> > "Lord And Master;)" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> >
> > > what problems maybe I can help?
> >
> > the /usr/lib/ stuff, configure of licq search (via nm) the
> > symbols of qt2 but /usr/lib/ come from qt1.4 by default on
> > mandrake (this should be a AUTOMAKE fix).
> >
> but i  never had any's working great for me...
> > --
> > MandrakeSoft Inc      
> > In Travel                                         --Chmouel
> --
> #!/bin/sh
> cat <<EOF
> Regards,
> snail talk (geoff), master linux system administrator ;-)

the problem is that the checks for qt look for and not so it will fail if there in the same dir, you have to have
the qt in a seperate dir with a ln to the qt2 libs etc. for the
configure and automake scripts in licq to work.


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