geoffrey lee wrote:

> hi,
> >
> > the problem is that the checks for qt look for and not
> > so it will fail if there in the same dir, you have to have
> > the qt in a seperate dir with a ln to the qt2 libs etc. for the
> > configure and automake scripts in licq to work.
> i have got licq 0.80 to build on my system with no problems. i just needed
> to make one patch (for configure.)
> i got it to build with qt 2.0.x, no problems.
> i have proof of this, because i'm using it on my systm right now. anyone
> looking for the 0.80 binary package? ;-)
> geoff.
> >
> > -DarkWlf
> >
> >

I am using it here as well, I had not checked the bug with configure yet in
that version as I'm now using the qt2.1 libs


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