Entête en cours de reécriture, merci de patienter en lisant la réponse au mail 
de Guillaume Rousse, à Dimanche 23 Mars 2003 12:16

> > And, I think that rpm should check before creating rpmnew file, by doing
> > a md5 checksum, to see if the file is not the same. FOr now, it look if
> > the file is in the database and don't touch it if not.
> It is current rpm behaviour to check modification of configuration files
> before replacing them. I don't understand what you explain about files 'not
> in database'

My rpm database was corrupt ( ie was empty :-( ) during the update so, my 
/etc/ is full of rpmnew, since a lot of  files was not recognized as owned by 
a old package.

If rpm checked with the md5sum, most of them would not be here.

This is not a big problem, because rpm database corruption should not occur.
And, it give me some bash exercise :-)


Mickaël Scherer

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